Advanced Playwriting

Subject code


Course Number




C. Kimball

Course Long Title

Advanced Playwriting


In Advanced Playwriting, students will refine their writing and revision skills, offer and receive feedback through the Liz Lerman critical response process, read and respond to critical essays, and begin the transition to live performance. This writing- and discussion-driven course will also deepen students’ understanding of Aristotelian plot structure and its derivatives, as well as non-Western narrative structures by challenging students to explore and create bold, imaginative work. The basic elements of playwriting will be supplemented by explorations of form, language, character, structure, and space as innovated by under-represented playwrights. Students will complete a written body of dramatic work. Recommended background: THEA 240.

Modes of Inquiry

Analysis and Critique [AC], Creative Process and Production [CP]

Writing Credit


Class Restriction

Exclude First Years

Offering Frequency

Normally offered every year