
Sociology of Immigration

Subject code


Course Number




M. Medford

Course Long Title

Sociology of Immigration


Since the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Amendments of 1965, the United States has received millions of immigrants from virtually every part of the world. The magnitude of these recent immigrant flows has reshaped the demography of the nation. But the magnitude of the flows is only part of the story. Today’s immigrants are extremely diverse, ethnically, culturally, and racially. Students explore sociological approaches to immigration as they discuss, debate, analyze, and critique academic, political, and mainstream articulations of immigration processes in the United States.

Writing Credit

No writing credit

Departmental Course Attributes - Major/Minor Requirements

(Africana: Diaspora)

INDS Program Relationship

IDAF - AFR Program

Class Restriction

Exclude First Years

Offering Frequency

Normally offered every year