The Forever Wars: The Politics of U.S. Involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq

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C. Price

Course Long Title

The Forever Wars: The Politics of U.S. Involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq


2021 marks two decades since the September 11th attacks, the starting point of U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq. Thus, these conflicts have been underway since before the birth of most Bates students, and have deeply affected the world we live in. This course summarizes the history of these conflicts, introduces theories on conflict, and examines the decision making of key actors, to address four questions: How did the United States become involved in these prolonged conflicts? Why did the United States fail to achieve its goals? Could these results have been predicted? What lessons might be learned?

Modes of Inquiry

Historical and Social Inquiry [HS]

Writing Credit

No writing credit

Departmental Course Attributes - Major/Minor Requirements

(PLTC: Institutional Politics), (PLTC: Security,Conflict,Coop)

GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude First Years

Offering Frequency

One-time offering