International Peacekeeping

Subject code


Course Number




J. Richter

Course Long Title

International Peacekeeping


Since the end of the cold war international actors, including the United Nations, NATO, and the Organization of African Unity, have taken a more active role in preventing and resolving conflicts within and among sovereign states, with mixed results. This course examines the history of international peacekeeping and the reasons for its increased relevance in the post-cold war era. It considers the different forms that peacekeeping, peacebuilding, or peacemaking have taken and the various formal and informal practices associated with such interventions. Students discuss the definitions of success in evaluating peacekeeping efforts and investigate why some efforts succeed and others fail. Prerequisite(s): any 100-level course in politics. Recommended background: PLTC 171.

Modes of Inquiry

Historical and Social Inquiry [HS]

Writing Credit


Departmental Course Attributes - Major/Minor Requirements

(PLTC: Institutional Politics), (PLTC: Security,Conflict,Coop)

Class Restriction

Exclude First Years