Capstone Seminar in Systems Neuroscience

Subject code


Course Number




J. Castro

Course Long Title

Capstone Seminar in Systems Neuroscience

Cross Listed Courses


Open to seniors with permission of the program faculty, in this seminar investigates the mouse olfactory bulb, with the goal of testing student-designed hypotheses on this structure's molecular and functional organization. Students use a wide interdisciplinary set of approaches to interrogate olfactory circuits at cellular scale, including electrical recordings, imaging, histology, modeling, and informatics. Additional features of the course include training in research design, data analysis using MATLAB, instruction in proposal writing and science writing and professional development. Prerequisite(s): NS/PY 160 and one of the following: BI/NS 308, NS/PY 330, 357, or 363.

Modes of Inquiry

Quantitative and Formal Reasoning [QF], Scientific Reasoning [SR]

Writing Credit


INDS Program Relationship

IDNS - NRSC Program

Class Restriction

Exclude First Years, Exclude Sophomores, Exclude Juniors