
Music and Cinema

Subject code


Course Number




H. Miura

Course Long Title

Music and Cinema


Cinema has barely more than a hundred years of history, and sound was only introduced on screen in the 1920s. This course is designed for composers investigating the ways in which sound interacts with moving images beyond the preconceived notion of a "soundtrack." Traditional film scoring techniques such as underscoring and leitmotif are investigated through compositional and theoretical affinities between Hollywood film music and late romantic operas. Alternative approaches are explored through late twentieth-century narrative and experimental cinema. Students compose a score to a short silent film of their choice. Prerequisite(s): one of the following: MUS 235, 237, or 238.

Modes of Inquiry

Analysis and Critique [AC], Creative Process and Production [CP]

Writing Credit

No writing credit

GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude First Years