
Soundscapes: Recording and Designing Sound

Subject code


Course Number




A. Tamirisa

Course Long Title

Soundscapes: Recording and Designing Sound


This course focuses on the creative acts of recording and sound design. Technical topics covered include recording (both studio and experimental techniques), microphone placement, editing and mixing in REAPER (an open source software), effects and digital processing, and sound design for stereo and multitrack speaker arrays. Creative assignments improve listening skills, foreground aural experience, increase awareness of sonic environments, and sharpen skills related to the use of sound as a sensory and communication medium. Listening and reading assignments support creative and technical concepts covered. Students generate three to four new, original sound-based works during the course of the semester, one of which is refined for a final public listening session. Recommended background: interest in or experience with music, sound, or digital media.

Modes of Inquiry

Creative Process and Production [CP]

Writing Credit

No writing credit

GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude First Years