
Coastal Hazards/Lab

Subject code


Course Number



B. Johnson

Course Long Title

Coastal Hazards/Lab


Humans have always lived along the world’s coastlines, yet constantly changing coastal landscapes and climate change, combined with increases in coastal populations, present a unique and challenging set of pressures for people and ecosystems at the boundary between land and sea. In this hands-on course, students explore the science of coastal hazards (e.g., erosion, sea level rise, storm events, tsunamis, and harmful algal blooms) by studying beaches, salt marshes, barrier islands, and coastal waters in a variety of settings. The laboratory/field component may include a weekend trip to Acadia National Park, and two late-return laboratories during the week to the Bates Morse Mountain Conservation Area and Saco Bay. The basic principles learned by studying Maine coastal systems facilitate exploration of coastal hazards in other parts of the world.

Modes of Inquiry

Quantitative and Formal Reasoning [QF], Scientific Reasoning [SR]

Writing Credit


GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude Sophomores, Exclude Juniors, Exclude Seniors