
Inequality, Community, and Social Change

Subject code


Course Number




E. Kane

Course Long Title

Inequality, Community, and Social Change


Debates about inequalities linked to race, class, gender, sexuality, and global locations surround us in politics, news, and social media. In this seminar, students explore these social inequalities with a particular focus on community-engaged efforts to advance social change and the role of colleges and universities in those efforts. Students partner with local organizations oriented toward social justice and social change in Lewiston, addressing issues such as educational equity, public health, immigrant and refugee inclusion, housing justice, and family opportunity. Discussions and assignments introduce students to the history and daily life of the local community, and connect what they learn with their partner organizations to readings about social inequality, social change, and the potential contributions of colleges and their students in promoting the public good.

Modes of Inquiry

Historical and Social Inquiry [HS]

Writing Credit


GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude Sophomores, Exclude Juniors, Exclude Seniors