French Drama in Performance

Subject code


Course Number



K. Read

Course Long Title

French Drama in Performance


A study and performance of scenes from French dramatic works from a variety of literary styles, movements, and eras. Students read, discuss, and perform dramatic works (or portions thereof) throughout the course and then conceive and create a coherent production of portions of these plays that may be presented in public to area high schools and colleges. Readings may include the works of Molière, Racine, Beaumarchais, De Musset, Ionesco, and Duras, which, though drawn from a wide range of time periods and approaches, are assimilated and reconciled under a common theme to be determined by the class. Prerequisite(s): one French and Francophone studies course beyond 201. Recommended background: adequate oral fluency in French, good reading comprehension.

Modes of Inquiry

Analysis and Critique [AC], Creative Process and Production [CP]

Writing Credit

No writing credit

GEC This Course Belongs To
