
Documenting the Genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda

Subject code


Course Number



A. Dauge-Roth

Course Long Title

Documenting the Genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda


This course presents a historical and rhetorical examination of various media and genres that bear witness to the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda and question the ability to document genocide in Africa through Western modes of representation and information. Students analyze literary works written by Francophone sub-Saharan African writers such as Koulsy Lamko (Chad) and Boubacar Boris Diop (Senegal), the play Rwanda 94, written testimonies by Tutsi and Hutu survivors such as Yolande Mukagasana and Esther Mujawayo and those of foreign journalists present during or after the genocide such as Jean Hatzfeld, fictional films by Raoul Peck, and numerous documentaries by Western and Rwandan filmakers. Prerequisite(s): FRE 240, 250, or 251. Course conducted in English.

Modes of Inquiry

Analysis and Critique [AC], Historical and Social Inquiry [HS]

Writing Credit


GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude First Years