
Literature, Medicine, Empathy

Subject code


Course Number




L. Nayder

Course Long Title

Literature, Medicine, Empathy


Focusing on a range of novels published from the nineteenth century to the present day, and on scholarship in the developing field of empathy studies, students consider the relationships among literature, medicine, and empathy. Students examine representations of medical practice and practitioners and of relations between physicians and patients. They explore claims that literature has the power to develop empathy and should be central to medical education. Authors include George Eliot, Bram Stoker, Abraham Verghese, and Ian McEwan. Prerequisite(s): one 100-level English course.

Modes of Inquiry

Analysis and Critique [AC]

Writing Credit

No writing credit

Departmental Course Attributes - Major/Minor Requirements

(English: Post-1800)

GEC This Course Belongs To


Class Restriction

Exclude First Years