Paleoseismic and Geomorphic Investigation along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), Central Himalaya

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Course Number



S. Arora

Course Long Title

Paleoseismic and Geomorphic Investigation along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), Central Himalaya


The 2,500 kilometer-long Himalaya is a classic example of seismically active plate boundary systems, which have enabled the world’s geologists to understand the earthquake mechanisms and access obvious seismic threats to the millions of people living in the north of India. Paleoseismic investigations allow the determination of the two most important parameters used for calculation of the future earthquake magnitudes: slip rate and recurrence intervals. This course is aimed at developing students’ quantitative and mapping skills through collecting the data necessary for the Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Central Himalaya.

Writing Credit

No writing credit

GEC This Course Belongs To


Offering Frequency

One-time offering