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Biological Skills: Field Botany and Dendrochronology

Subject code


Course Number



Course Long Title

Biological Skills: Field Botany and Dendrochronology


This course is designed to build particular skills in an area of biology, with a general aim of preparing students for summer internships and careers in the biological sciences. The field botany and dendrochronology version of this course focuses on field-based skills in identification of flora, natural history, data collection, and tree-ring analyses. Topics may include plant, fungal, and lichen identification and collection; forest biology; citizen science; and methodological approaches used to explore the impact of climate on the growth of forested ecosystems. The course is intended for students majoring in biology but may be relevant to students in biochemistry, neuroscience, earth and climate sciences, or environmental studies, or preparing for health-related careers.

Modes of Inquiry

Scientific Reasoning [SR]

Writing Credit

No writing designation

GEC This Course Belongs To


Offering Frequency

Normally offered every year