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Marine Botany

Subject code


Course Number




K. Dobkowski

Course Long Title

Marine Botany


Marine animals, from tiny zooplankton to giant marine mammals, rely on marine "plants" (photosynthesizers) to form the base of productive, multilevel food webs. This course introduces students to the fascinating underwater world of marine photosynthesizers (microalgae, seaweeds, seagrasses, etc.), including key adaptations, ecology, physiology, life history strategies, and interactions with other species, including humans. Students consider conservation strategies and challenges and the effects of climate change on marine environments. They also gain experience in science communication, hone critical thinking skills, and have multiple opportunities to collaborate with peers. Prerequisite(s): BIO 190, 195, or ENVR 203.

Writing Credit

No writing credit

Class Restriction

Exclude First Years

Offering Frequency

One-time offering